Please consider helping us provide these emergency services by donating today.
Free food boxes are available at our Ella Hill Hutch Community Center (EHH) site on Fridays. They contain enough food for 3-4 days.
Hot meals are also available at EHH Monday-Friday. These hot meals support local restaurants who are suffering from a lack of foot traffic.
Snack packs are available with all meals, made possible by the generosity of Alaska Airlines
We're partnering with the City to investigate the possibility of repurposing our tennis courts as an off-site hospital emergency room for non-COVID-19 related emergencies. Our gym is also in consideration to become a hotel for nearby hospital and healthcare staff.
Our program staff are keeping in close contact with our students remotely; checking-in regularly, polling families to make sure they have access to all of their basic needs and connecting them with resources whenever possible.
We are also ensuring our students have all of their educational needs met. Our K-8 youth have been encouraged to participate in the Everybody Reads! Google Classroom and are receiving one-on-one tutoring from our program staff to ensure they're not skipping a beat while they're unable to physically be in the classroom.
All of our Teens and Transitional Age Youth have been invited to sign up for the Opportunities for All Google Classroom so they can receive digital tools, academic enrichment, and workforce development resources to support distance learning.
We're also expanding our community support by providing additional services:
Distributing hygiene kits; feminine products, toothbrushes and toothpaste, hand soap, deodorant, and hand sanitizer
Providing students with permanently owned laptops; they will greatly benefit from a computer in the new school year to help make sure they don’t fall behind.
School supplies kits to support distance learning; games, puzzles, markers, glue, scissors, crayons, books, paper
Tablet, t-shirt, and bag distribution to our youth so they can engage in physical activity while sheltering in place, made possible by the USTA of Northern California
As we continue to tackle the ever-changing needs of our community during this emergency, we are still looking toward the future with hope. But with the cancellation of our annual fundraising event, we're farther behind than we typically are at this time of year. We're still planning to provide quality services to our youth come summer. After all our youth have gone through during this crisis, we ask that you help us give them something to look forward to. Please consider donating today.
Thanks to the leadership of Mayor London Breed and Director Davis at the Human Rights Commission for making this meaningful work possible by connecting us with organizations that share our vision.